he OUR DAMIEN ""HE ALWAYS GAVE ME THE BEST HUGS, EVEN NOW I CAN PICTURE HIM COMING TOWARDS ME WITH HIS ARMS OUT"- Alyse "one night it was cold and pouring, we had a great tent -and Damien brought this girl in and put up a sheet so she could get warm clothes on and get some rest. she had been crying in front of a tree just sitting there freezing"- Silva
DOZENS of stories like that over the past few years fill up our hearts in the knowledge that you don't have to be a lawyer or a doctor, and even in your darkest hours, (perhaps especially then!) your humanity shines.
OK IT'S APRIL 1- PLZ donate $5 to help bring peace to our community and resources to those affected by violence! 🙏❤️❤️❤️