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Interfaith Statement of Support

28th Annual Mother's Day Walk for Peace

June 16, 2024


Interfaith Statement of Support for the Mother’s Day Walk for Peace and the LDBPI’s ongoing mission 

We the undersigned religious leaders, organizations, and clergy, representing different religious traditions affirm:

  •  the sacred worth and dignity of each person

  • that one life lost to homicide is one life too many

  • that a unified religious voice is urgently necessary

  • that the Golden Rule embedded in all world religions compels us to act toward others as we would  wish they would act toward us – with love and compassion

  • that peace is foundational within each of our respective religious traditions:

1.      In Buddhism – we are inspired by the Bodhisattva Path of Compassion;

2.    In Christianity – we commit to the dream of justice, reconciliation, and God’s Beloved Community;

3.    In Hinduism – we acknowledge the moral law of karma and we desire Shanti, Shanti, Shanti;

4.    In Islam – we submit our wills to Allah and work for Salam;

5.    In Judaism – we commit to the vision of the fullness of Shalom;

6.    In Unitarian Universalism – we commit to understanding and protecting the interdependent web of existence of which we are a part;

7.    In Humanism – we commit to our responsibility to lead ethical lives and work towards the greater good of humanity.

We call on all members to join us as we express the faith of our respective communities through our feet and walk to make a difference on Mother’s Day.